Read "The Future of Seed", Burning Seed's Community Engagement Report 2018. It includes All of the Things: views and opinions, what has happened, what could happen, data, analysis of data, recommendations... and so much more...
Latest News
Are you looking for the latest gossip, straight off the Kiwiburn press? Well look no further! Keep reading for the latest info, or use the archive and search below to find the relevant info.
You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).
And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team.
2018 AGM minutes
Thanks to all who attended the online AGM. We may have broken endurance records this year, coming in at over three and a quarter hours. No medals will be handed out to those that lasted the distance, though many thanks to all those who took the time to be in (virtual)...
Art for Trees 2018: A Tribute to Larry Harvey
Since 2013, Art of Trees has planted 40,000 seedling trees to replenish wood burned at Burning Man. This Burn year, Art for Trees will honour Larry Harvey and Burning Man through a legacy project: the Larry Harvey Memorial Grove. Read more about how you can contribute...
Black Rock City has gone live!
Not on the playa this year? Wish you were there? Burning Man 2018 has begun and you can watch live here!
The vanishing idealism of Burning Man
Artists head to the desert to build a utopia. But does their work hold up in the real world? Read more here.
The rise of Burning Man
From a huddle of hippies on a beach to a city of 70,000 in the desert, here’s how a festival became a lifestyle. Read what the Washington Post has to say here.
Where are we as a community, and where we are headed?
[photo by Kasai Photography] In the 2018 Afterburn report, you can read about concerns some Team Leads have regarding the prevalent and increasing culture of irresponsible intoxication, leading to incidents with the potential to jeopardise the future of Kiwiburn. And...
Kiwiburn 2018 Afterburn Report
Each year we have a debrief after Kiwiburn to learn what worked well and where we could improve, and we produce an Afterburn report! Have a read here to understand more about where your ticket money goes, how the event was managed and what changes are recommended....
Burning Man news, tips and important information
Photo of Larry Harvey by John Curley "We don’t book acts or provide entertainment. NO velvet ropes, NO barricades that separate you from truly participating in BRC. What happens at Burning Man is up to you, as a citizen of BRC. We value who you are, not what...
Leave no trace all year round
Supermarkets and the Government are phasing out single use plastic bags. There are many other ways of reducing waste and helping your environment. Here's a handy guide to recycling in New Zealand