On Thursday 21 June 2018, Burners around the world gathered to pay tribute to Burning Man founder, Larry Harvey, who passed away after a stroke. His life was celebrated and honoured in many different ways. How did you show your gratitude? View some of the written...
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You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).
And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team.
Peachy keen
When you're traveling south along Sate Highway 1 from Managweka and see the legendary Peach teats billboard, you know you're almost Home. It's iconic, and has been around for quater of a century. Read about the history of the billboard here.
The 2017 Black Rock Census is out!
Volunteerism inspired more than half of Burners to learn or practice creating art after attending, with the majority of people finding those skills useful in their everyday lives. Read a summary of the Census results here. Read more about volunteering for Kiwiburn...
Let the Town Planning team know your thoughts
Did you love the layout on the Paddock this year? Did you love your neighbours? Kiwiburn had a new Town Planning team for the 2018 event, and they are keen to hear your feedback! Let the team know how you felt about the layout. Take the Survey here.
Burner Express Bus PLUS tickets on sale
The Burner Express Bus PLUS tickets go on sale 12.00pm 13 June (PST). You can find more information here under the Burner Express Bus Plus heading. The Plus program is a Burner Express Bus ticket PLUS a Burning Man ticket and a great way for folks to grab a ticket who...
#thankslarry – A Global Day of Celebration
#thankslarry Larry Harvey and Jerry James burned the first Man on San Francisco's Baker Beach on the Summer Solstice, June 21, 1986. On June 21, 2018 we invite you to join a global celebration of Burning Man and day of gratitude for our original founder. Host a...
Thank you for all your ideas. We had over 40 of them! The Art Theme for 2019 has been chosen, and things are going get even weirder and chaotic on the Paddock! The theme is: FRACTALICIOUS Congratulations to Kelly Kellective for her winning idea who...
Call for Participation in the 2018 Everywhere/ARTery Pavilion!
Burners around the World are being called upon to help artfully activate the Everywhere/ARTery Pavilion with performance, art, and interactive experiences. What is the Everywhere/ARTery Pavilion? Operated by Burning Man Project, the Pavilion is a hub showcasing...
Blazing Rangers
What is it like Rangering at Blazing Swan? Most of Rangering is just being visible, walking the dirt, talking to participants and keeping an eye out for the rare bits of trouble. Read one Ranger's experience here.
Australia and New Zealand Burner Leadership Summit Civic Ignition Grant
Got a Burning idea? A collaborative, creative, and ten principles-focused project? What is the ANZLS Civic Ignition Grant? The ANZLS Civic Ignition Grant helps fund innovative community and civic projects within the greater Australia and New Zealand regions. Projects...