Camping in the Forest Update

Dec 22, 2016

The Forest on the way to the river is one of your favourite places to hang out at Kiwiburn, both day and night. The trees in the Forest have recently been assessed by a qualified arborist and their report shows considerable work needs to be done throughout to help ensure a safe environment. While we have engaged qualified people to do the work, there is currently no guarantee that any part of the Forest will be usable for camping. So we all need to be prepared for that outcome. The sun in New Zealand is super hot, being so close to the ozone hole, and Kiwiburn cannot emphasise enough the need to BRING YOUR OWN SHADE.   

There will be a crew on site for two weeks prior to the event working on the trees, endeavouring to open up as much Forest area as possible for camping. This involves a lot of ground and clearing work, so if you have chainsaw skills and would like to help open up the Forest for the community, please email the Volunteer team here
Please note: Only pre-approved volunteers will be allowed on site pre-event. Do not turn up without pre-approval as you will be turned away.

Once we have a clearer idea of what can be achieved pre-event we’ll be letting you know all the relevant details for planning your camps. We’re hopeful, though in the meantime, please prepare as if the Forest will be closed to camping. BRING YOUR OWN SHADE. 

Photo courtesy of Tangent

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