“What? Registrations!”, you ask. “Can’t I just bring my mellow vibes to the Paddock and promise to be really groovy the whole time?”
Well, (we say with an only slightly condescending head-pat) that’s exactly what registration is all about! .
Registrations go live on 14 July and a link to access this will be released then. Watch for it on Facebook, and we will also be releasing the link in next week’s EFP. You have a couple of months to register.
Once you register, your profile, Theme Camp and so on, your profile will be chillin’ in the “Passive” setting. In order to get to that coveted “active” setting, you’ll need to fill out the Annual Community Survey. Once you’ve done that, you can register for the lottery (which is why we’re all here).
And for those of you who prefer arrows and lovely colours (basically, everyone) below is a nifty little infographic! Courtesy of the Community Department.
Image credit: Andy Flint