Burns from the past – 2008 Highlight

Oct 9, 2023

Carrying on with our Burns from the past articles, today we’re highlighting the Burn that took place in 2008.

Why 2008?

Well, there were a few people who shared pictures and memories from that year, so we had a fair amount to share with you all!

So, what happened at Kiwiburn 2008?

From Facebook comes this image of ‘Ants and David aka Hi-Dive (artist) by the first art car/ part of the sheep end.’

Another comment describes how the actual burn went down.

‘2008: Kiwiboom. Someone (i name no names…) decided that fireworks at odd angles around the effigy was a great idea. I have this explosion burned into my retina (it’s possibly also caught on camera). I don’t think there was a very large burn perimeter (if any?), but thankfully no one was /badly/ injured’

Another picture that was shared with us was of the Man crew and MPW.

Here’s a picture of the MPW kitchen feeding the wonderful fire crew.

Finally, we’ve been told that there was a documentary made about the burn. No pictures were shared unfortunately, but you may be able to get your hands on it if you know who had a hand in creating it!

And that’s it for this article. This was all that was shared with us!

Hope you enjoyed this look back in time.

Look out for another blast from the past in future EFP’s.

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