Beyond Black Rock: A Burning Man Global Showcase

Jul 29, 2024

Recently, the Burning Man media liaison department reached out to Kiwiburn to supply a (very) small selection of photographs that showcase the best Kiwiburn has to offer and to provide a flavour of our beloved event. Hours of trawling through the archives resulted in a submission of 14 photographs and one video, which will play at Reno-Tahoe International Airport during the coming months.

The gallery installation begins on 14 August and will be up until 1 November 2024. During the two weeks leading up to Burning Man, about 30,000 people travel through the airport.

Our Kiwiburn photos were selected to display a mixture of excellent photography, great Art (if applicable), a sense of what Kiwiburn is about and how it’s different from other Burns (lush landscape, river etc.), day and night imagery, and sense of movement and/or vibrancy.

Photographers represented:

  • John Williams
  • Andy Flint
  • Paul Chaffe
  • Tim Warren
  • Flashmedia
  • Keegan Durrant
  • Sea Rotman
  • James Deane
  • Axel Foxtopus
  • Nabulen Ignacio

Art represented by:

  • Gregg Painter
  • Jo Artemis
  • Ben Curran
  • Andrew Benson
  • Chris Stead
  • Pekollo Ward
  • Tamati

For those of you not able to zip over to Reno to view the exhibit, you can check out the video that will run on a continuous loop during the exhibit.


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