Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes (are coming soon)

Sep 2, 2024

You may have heard that the number of tickets in the lottery this year is smaller than ever before. This is true. Just 450 of those precious golden tickets will be available to lottery ‘winners’. The other 2000 of them will be allocated to Volunteers, Artists, and Theme Camps.

That’s not the only change on the way. From 2026 and onwards, there may not be lottery. Yes, that’s right. No lottery at all. Why? Kiwiburn is intending to become an all volunteer ticketed event. So everyone needs to pitch in to get themselves a ticket (Participation, y’all).

This will apply to first time participants too, so you’ll need to get involved from your first Burn. As part of this effort, we’re assigning many more shifts, including on-site, with tickets, with most requiring a minimum of two shifts to qualify (this varies a bit by team). 

We’re also continuing to improve our participant management system so we can track who did what (or not) which would influence that individual’s ability to attend future Burns. We believe that the vast majority of people will do the right thing, get into the spirit and behind the Principles and do their part.

So, the question is, how are you going to get involved?

If you’re curious to read more about these changes, click here to read our shiny new FAQ, prepared by our wonderful Community Team.

Image Credit: Rangitikei Emergency Dept.

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