Bye Floyd, hello Floyd

Sep 2, 2024

Well, change is ever present (a bit of a theme with this EFP) and it also applies to the lovely leadership team $ExCom. Our Infrastructure Facilitator of recent times Floyd, Master of Mudburn (KB23) and ChillBurn (KB24), Wrangler of Immense Amounts of Wood Chips to help us all get out of a rather sloppy Paddock once upon a time, King of Bringing Water to site and Person Who Makes Shit happen, has stepped down.

Floyd has, with the help of his team, had a greater impact on Kiwiburn than anyone else in recent times. He’s also spent vast sums, however, for very good things indeed. He’s the reason you no longer need to lug water to site, revamped crew areas and moved the crew kitchen and the MPW yard (where the magic happens before y’all descend onto the Paddock). Floyd and his team did hours and hours of preparing proposals, chased costs, compared options and presented $ExCom with well-researched outlines of what he wanted to do and how and what impact it would have on Kiwiburn. This made decision making so much easier. Not to mention effectively running the site and literally helping to build the temporary community that is Kiwiburn.

And he’s a thoroughly decent guy.  His empathetic and measured way to contribute to decision making will definitely be missed, but he’s also not going far. The facilitator reins have been handed over, watch for an introduction to the new guy in coming editions, and Floyd has now stepped into the Town Planner lead role. He understands how the Paddock works, how massively influential proper town planning is for the flow and overall success of the event, so yay for us!

Thank you Floyd, your legacy will be around for a while!!

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