This calendar is for wider community events. Kiwiburn does not organise or take responsibility for any events listed here outside the official Kiwiburn festival.
On Tuesday I will bring a laser engraver (Eleksmaker A3 2500mW) and a few laptops to the Auckland Burners’ space. Come have a play!
This thing can engrave on thick materials such as plywood and cut through thin paper. It can also set things on fire and damage your sight, so come to me for a quick safety brief before you approach the engraver – I will make sure I am easily recognisable by wearing the most ridiculous hat.
Bring your own design and material if you can, and keep your design relatively small, so everyone can have a go and leave with something pretty.
$10 or $20 Koha donation super appreciated (it all goes to the Auckland Burners’ Space), and if you are keen to help me set up during the day, pm this guy : Jean-Baptiste Natali Ginoux