Traffic Crew We Want You!

Dec 29, 2019

Aerial view of the Paddock at Kiwiburn 2017

Do you have an affinity for helping people? Dig organisation and funky maps?

Be part of the Traffic Team whose job it is to direct participants as they arrive at the event. Help them find their camp and a place to park up their non-sleeping vehicles. Glamorous it may not be, though this is super important for keeping everything running smoothly.

Choose from seven shifts spread over Wednesday and Thursday. You will be armed with an umbrella or light wand, depending on your shift, be pre-briefed on locations, and given a map to help people find their way.

If you are the helpful sort, maybe a little bossy, and this sounds like your ideal way to spend a few hours, email your details and availability to the Kiwiburn Event Manager asap, and she will get back to you confirming shift times.

Look forward to seeing you all on the Paddock!

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