The EFP reader survey: unraveled

Jul 23, 2019 | Kiwiburn, Uncategorized

The Electric Fencepost Super Duper Reader Survey 3000 was created to make sure YOUR newsletter delivers what YOU want, and we are very happy with the feedback.

A HUGE thank you to the 93 of you who took the time (234 seconds on average) to fill this in. You are all busy and we appreciate it. Ka pai!

In general, your feedback showed that our team is largely on the right track. Yay us! There were some great suggestions on content, frequency and suitability. We hear you fam.

So this is what we are going to do:

  • We will strive to keep emphasis on local stuff. This will include more on local artists and what fellow Kiwiburners are up to. We are brainstorming on how to get our grubby hands on this info, please get in touch, or tag us on Facebook, if you know of any cool things going down
  • The EFP only gets triggered to send when we have posted news on the website, though we will try to theme each newsletter as much as possible. This means you may receive it less frequently than weekly until we get closer to the event
  • We will create more content on what makes Kiwiburn happen, Who’s Who, how it all comes together, how some decisions are made, what the ExCom are up to and how YOU can get involved 
  • We will look to create a non-Facebook forum platform for discussion and the sharing of info when we revamp the website (watch this space).

And now! On to the crux of it, question by question.

1. Do you read the EFP when it lands in your inbox?

Seems like most people at least acknowledge the EFP presence in their inbox, over half of respondents skim our words. Fantastic!

2. What are your main sources of Burner related info?

Most of you use Facebook and the EFP, with a few relying on your buddy network of fellow burners. In general, major stories that appear in the EFP will also be featured on our Facebook Page and Group page. And some of you are keen to see the return of discussion forums (an alternative to Facebook), and we like that idea too. 

3. Which topics interest you most?

This one was interesting as the vast majority of you are far less keen to hear about Burning Man than you are New Zealand related things or even other Regional Burns. Makes total sense. You also commented that you wanted to hear more about local artists, and what fellow Burners are up to. 

4. Does the EFP cater to your hunger for Burner related info?

Not much to say here other than we seem to be getting it pretty well right. The vast majority of you are satisfied that you’re kept up to date with our little newsletter. 

5. Do you like the weekly frequency?

Good ol’ Question 5 was a bit more divisive. 60% of respondents were happy with the weekly occurrence, but that leaves 40% of you who think it’s too much. Comments like “Bi-weekly, then weekly in build up to kiwiburn” were common. We don’t wanna clog your inbox unnecessarily, and we only issue an EFP if there has been something meaningful to say. Remember that the EFP acts as a digest of news posted to the Kiwiburn website, so you can also jump online anytime to get your fix. We will also try and give each newsletter a theme, which was a great suggestion. 

6. Does the EFP represent you?

Well, no uncertainty here. Just about all of you identified with the EFP to a reasonable degree. >>Pat on Back<<

7. Do Images matter?

Again, most of you think that by and large, we get the balance right. We try and not use pictures gratuitously, but sometimes a picture does tell a story better than words. 

8. Do you click on links?

Our current tactic of embedding links within the article seems to work for just about all of you. So we’ll keep that up. 

9. Freeform question about content, praise, criticism, suggestions, whatever…

Well, we got some awesome suggestions and feedback which is invaluable for us! While some were happy to offer praise (humble bow), such as “the yellow background is unique, and grabs my attention; like a baboon in heat’s buttocks”, a lot of voices want to hear more about Kiwiburn itself and the inner workings such as an Org chart, the planning and how decisions are made, job descriptions, who to contact, and how it all comes together. Others would like to see more on wider Burner communities, local artists and Burners, events and other more peripherally related Kiwiburn news. And some are calling for more detail, a more provocative, creative and stimulating approach. Yowzah! 

The team is excited to start incorporating your feedback and suggestions! Thank you, thank you, from one baboon in heat’s buttocks to another.

As always – if you have news, events, announcements, anything you’d like to contribute please flick us an email. You can write something up or just send us the info. Thanks to the wonderful folk who do this already – super stars if we’ve ever seen them.

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