
Welcome to the Kiwiburn Community!

Here you’ll find the latest news and info, as well as connect with other Burners (via Facebook), and keep in touch with the happening at Kiwiburn Organisation, through our annual Census and Afterburn Reports.

Also, stay in touch via our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).

Burning Around New Zealand

Wanting to connect with local Burners? There’s a wide range of places on Facebook to get information about local Kiwiburn communities

Latest News

Behold the Kiwiburn 2025 Trash Renaissance Fair Poster Winner

Wait what’s this incredible image, you ask? Unless you’ve been sleeping, you may have seen we’ve had a poster competition running for the past few weeks. We asked the community to create and submit a poster design for Kiwiburn 2025 Trash Renaissance Fair. And guess...

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Safety First (or third)

Hey, you know what’s not lame? Safety.  Ever dreamed of being the guardian angel of Kiwiburn? Now's your chance! We're on the hunt for a Health and Safety Facilitator who's as passionate about safety as they are about DoBros. Picture this: you'll be part of our wild...

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Calling All People-Who-Own-A-Smartphone

Oh, it’s you! Just the human we’ve been seeking.  Let's face it, we all spend more time than we'd like to admit doomscrolling the socials. But what if you could turn that never-ending wheel of global catastrophes and cats into something epic? Enter: the opportunity to...

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2ic Roles for days!

Want to get involved with Kiwiburn behind the scenes but not sure where to begin? Feeling anxious about how you’ll get a ticket now that the lottery is smaller than ever? Well fret not, here’s two roles that will solve both of those worries! First up is the Ticketing...

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Wellbeing Facilitator and 2ic Needed!

The Wellbeing Team (Rangers, Sanctuary, Consent Club, Know Your Stuff, and Medics) have found themselves leaderless and need a couple of awesome souls to step into the Wellbeing Facilitator and 2iC roles. If you’re passionate about supporting the Kiwiburn community’s...

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Money Money Money

Hey! You like money, right? Budgets make your heart sing? Know how to navigate IRD? Then we’ve got just the thing for you! Kiwiburn really needs a Treasurer and a 2iC to take care of all the financial bits. The Treasurer is responsible for all KB finances, making sure...

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Recent Blog Posts

How to start a Theme Camp #8 – Final Tips

Welcome back! Captain here, this is the final blog in my 'How to start a Theme Camp' series. This time I'm discussing any final tips that may come in handy. I asked 25 fellow Theme Camp leads what...

How to start a Theme Camp #7 – Health & Safety

Welcome back! Captain here, continuing the 'How to start a Theme Camp' blog series. This time I'm discussing health and safety for your Theme Camp. I asked 25 fellow Theme Camp leads what they...

How to start a Theme Camp #6 – Structures & Set up

Welcome back! Captain here, today I'm continuing the 'How to start a Theme Camp' blog series. This time I'm discussing best practices for Theme Camp structures and set up. An important aspect of any...

How to start a Theme Camp #5 – Choosing Events

Today I share how to decide on events for your Theme Camp.

How to start a Theme Camp #4 – Camp Members

In this edition of the ‘How to start a Theme Camp’ blog series, I discuss how to choose and organise your new camp members.

Weekly News Digest

Kiwiburn Census

We want to get to know you better, take feedback, and learn how we can improve. The Census happens every year after the event, and the results provide insight into our community and a range of comments and suggestions.

Afterburn Reports

The Afterburn report is an annual summary, released after each Kiwiburn event, to keep the community up to date on what’s going on behind the scenes, and our plans to make the event even better.

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