A Fond Farewell

Jun 3, 2024

$exCom was a complete affair for a wee while, but life sometimes does its thing and we’ve had two Facilitators step down recently (albeit on very good terms and much to their dismay). 

So we bid a fond farewell to Jax who acted as our Crew Facilitator wrangling all vollies, kitchen and crew support among others. Your energy, can do attitude and positivity are infectious and you will be sorely missed on ExCom! Jax will remain a strong presence within the community for Know Your Stuff of course, a passion of hers that’s now taking all of her time, so we know we will still benefit from Jax’ good work in years to come. 

We also had to say goodbye to Ryan, our Wellbeing facilitator (looking after Rangers, Sanctuary, Medics etc.), who had the chance to fulfil a childhood dream of raising horses in the countryside! It’s quite clear which one was going to be his priority, so we can hardly begrudge him. We will miss your calm and friendly demeanour, your ability to cut to the chase and your always valid and thoughtful input. Ryan is also not disappearing by any means and will remain a presence with his Theme Camp snuggling amongst the pillows. 

This does mean that there are now open spots available on ExCom. Want to help shape the event? Want to influence how/when/what happens? Well, get of your butt and join us. We do not bite! Honest.

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