Photo of Larry Harvey by John Curley
“We don’t book acts or provide entertainment. NO velvet ropes, NO barricades that separate you from truly participating in BRC. What happens at Burning Man is up to you, as a citizen of BRC. We value who you are, not what you have. And when given the opportunity participants are turned into active contributors to the character of a community. They become the fabric of what is possible.”
—Crimson Rose, Burning Man co-founder at Synergy Art Forum in Russia earlier this year.
First things first, you’ve read the Survival Guide, right? It’s like a jungle out there, well, except for no trees, and no animals. Be safe and be prepared. If you prefer to watch rather than read, there are more safety tips here. And more here about reducing your harm.
What art will you be seeking out on the playa? Here are some highly anticipated pieces.
Flying by the seat of your pants. The bigger the better? How about a life size jumbo jet art car? Check it out here.
What’s it like taking kids to the playa. Have a read here.
What will you be doing? How about attending the opening of the Everywhere Pavilion? It’s a space for the Burning Man Global Network, Burners Without Borders, Burning Man Art and Civic Engagement, and Black Rock Labs. They’ll be some stories to share, so go have a listen.
Want some inspiration? Learn about some of the art, straight from the artists. Turn up here.
Surviving Burning Man. Read this guide to taking care of your camera, your mind, and yourself.
Washing your own brain. The art of remembering Larry. Say what? Read on.
Galaxia, a temple bringing people together and reuniting old friends. Read the story here.
If the dust could talk – a short movie here.
Tune in to Burning Man Information Radio, broadcasting live from the playa now until the event is over. Listen to BMIR here.