Poster Comp Is Nearly Closed!

Poster Comp Is Nearly Closed!

In case you’ve been hard at work hibernating through the Winter (we don’t blame you), you may have missed it: Kiwiburn 2025 dates have been announced AND we have a Theme. What don’t we have? A poster! That’s where you, and your incredible (or decidedly average)...
Burnable Art Roles

Burnable Art Roles

You love Burns right? And you definitely love seeing things burn too right? We do too! Well then, how would you like to be a part of the beautiful crew who makes the Effigy and Temple burns happen? Sounds awesome right? If so, then we have two open roles that’d suit...
Art Grant money for you and for you and for you!

Art Grant money for you and for you and for you!

Whether you’re a painter, a sculptor, a lover of pretty lights, everything in between and anything beyond – now is your chance to potentially grab some dosh towards your awesome as Art project! Art Grants are open until 25 June 2024, just 3 weeks from now. ...
KAC is recruiting!

KAC is recruiting!

Do you love seeing art on the Paddock? Want to see more of it at the Burn? Are you keen to get more involved with Kiwiburn? If you answered ‘YES!’ to any of these, then KAC may be for you! What’s KAC? It’s the Kiwiburn Arts Committee. The KAC are responsible for...
Art Grants Open

Art Grants Open

Hey there, creators, innovators and dance-floor masticators!  Ready to turn your fever dreams and artistic visions into reality? Kiwiburn’s Arts Grants are officially OPEN! Last year, Kiwiburn supported a whopping 43 Art teams, with 19 of them being newbie...
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