Blog: Tinkledrum

Blog: Tinkledrum

“Music is the art that brings people together” and the Tinkle Drum is about music for all. If you’ve been following the story of the Tinkle Drum – an interactive, sustainable, Kiwi-designed  Burning Man artwork that brings people together through People-Powered...
Tinkle tinkle little drum…

Tinkle tinkle little drum…

… we can’t believe how far you’ve come! We have been talking and talking about Tinkle Drum, the awesome, sustainable, creative, participatory art work which is going to Burning Man with its Kiwi creators and a whole entourage of Kiwiburners. If you...
Time Travel: The Blog

Time Travel: The Blog

With a theme like Time Travel, it is time to travel back and remember the Burns that were – when only 7 of us burnt an Effigy of a packing crate in a barrel while smoking river weeds, Gate was just a line in the sand, and everything was just BETTER, in them old...
What’s in a Paddock Name?

What’s in a Paddock Name?

Have you wondered how Paddock names come about? Hint: It’s not a special ceremony where ancient Burner Gods read your soul and bestow your true identity on you, along with your Paddock Hat and a coupon for free sausage rolls (if only!)  Paddock names happen when they...
Blogger Needed

Blogger Needed

Kiwiburn’s Communications team needs a new blogger, someone to write long-form pieces about Kiwiburn life and issues, articles to inform new members about important aspects of the Burning experience, and even thoughts to help long-time Burners reflect on things. See...
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