A new Burn arises!

A new Burn arises!

You’ve heard of Burning Man. You’ve heard of Kiwiburn. But have you heard of Aatmanirburn? Probably not because it’s brand new! It’s set to take place from Oct 20-24 in India. The description reads: A celestial symphony unfolds as India’s enchanting culture...
Art Grants Info Evening – Save the Date!

Art Grants Info Evening – Save the Date!

Got an amazing idea for an art piece? Want to help adorn the Paddock with beautiful, eye-catching and mesmerising art? Well then listen up! We can help you bring your idea to life via an Art Grant. Yes, that’s right! You can apply for partial funding for your art...
Big Boots are FILLED!

Big Boots are FILLED!

We are super duper stoked to announce that both the Arts Facilitator and the Theme Camps Facilitator roles have been filled by a couple of fan-freakin-tastic folk. We’ll bring you their full introductions in the coming EFP editions, but for now, please welcome our...
And some other Big Boots have stepped away…

And some other Big Boots have stepped away…

ExCom recently said goodbye to one of our Best and Brightest as Craig Odin Patterpaws has decided to step down from his Community Co-Facilitator role.  Craig remains involved with Kiwiburn and will run ticketing, but his active participation, knowledge and care of the...
Global Afterburn Report

Global Afterburn Report

The Burning Man Regional Network is a whole 25 years old and at its pre-COVID height, covered 108 events worldwide (down to 78 in 2022!). To celebrate the quarter century, a project called “25toThrive” is looking at the Regional Network’s 25 year history...
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