Transformational Event Cultures

A two-day symposium – Burning Man and Transformational Event Cultures – took place at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland in late November. With non-exclusive attention to Burning Man and its movement, the symposium was intended to explore the wide...

Round up your Regionals…

Cool conversations currently occurring concerning community and collaboration… and… …Like this one, on how Afrikaburn is managed. For the geek in you! …A burning book – by South Afrikan photographer Simon O’Callaghan. Any profits go...

There and everywhere, it’s a Round Up!

Welcome back to the Regional Round up, drawing in news from the rest of the world to tickle your eye-lobes (yep totally a thing). But first, a pop quiz! What does a world-wide mosaic, a Minotaur in Toulouse, some bums, the world of design and some graffiti...

The Burning Stories project

Did you attend Burning Man this year (or any year)? Got a story to tell? The academic team at Burning Stories would love to hear it! We know that time in Black Rock City leads to real, impactful change in individuals and communities, but as of now there is little...

A round up of sorts…

Tēna koutou, here is some offshore news for your viewing pleasure. Ka pai world and thanks for all the fish. Dive into the past.. and into Burning Man mischief, the story-before-the-story… find out about BRC before it was even on the beach and where it’s...
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