Guiding Principles: Leave No Trace and Decommodification

Guiding Principles: Leave No Trace and Decommodification

As a part of our ongoing ‘Guiding Principles’ series, this week we’re covering Leave No Trace (cunningly shortened to LNT) and Decommodification. There are about a billion things to love about Kiwiburn. But one of our favourites is its (excuse the...
Guiding Principles: Civic Responsibility and Communal Effort

Guiding Principles: Civic Responsibility and Communal Effort

Kiwiburn is built on the Ten Principles of Burning Man; guidelines which were crafted to be a reflection of our community’s ethos and culture. As we gear up for Kiwiburn 2023 (less than two months to go!), we’re going to talk a little about each of the Guiding...
Contribute to the Greeters Broadcast!

Contribute to the Greeters Broadcast!

Paddock Radio are teaming up with Kiwiburn Greeters Team try and rebuild those social muscles of ours that may have gone to flab over the past couple of years. They are preparing recordings about what the 10 Guiding Principles mean to participants, and they are...
Kiwis on the Playa

Kiwis on the Playa

We put out the call for Kiwi Burners who made the trek to Black Rock City and that call was answered! Now we have a pretty sweet blog about their experiences to share with you. We hope it’ll get you as pumped for our own Paddock reunion as we are. Ch-ch-check it out!...
Centre Camp wants YOU… to use it!

Centre Camp wants YOU… to use it!

So you’re coming to the Paddock? You’ve got your slab of double brown, you’ve read the 10 Principles, and now you’re thinking: “What am I going to gift and how am I going to pull it off? I mean, I’m in a one-person tent with a ratty piece of foam and a broken parasol....
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