The story of TRONG!
What is it like building an artwork for Kiwiburn and getting arts funding? Head over to our blog, where 2020 Art Grant recipient Daniel talks about his experience building TRONG!, a TRON-like glow-in-the-dark table tennis table, and how he became a regular Kiwiburn...
Upskill our community!
Kiwiburn is expanding our offerings to the community and our volunteers! So recruitment is open for a new Training Lead role, which will be directly responsible for finding out what training we want and need, and connecting opportunities for learning for members of...
Art Grant Reminder
Build it, paint it, sew it, we want it! A reminder that we have funds we want to give to you to bring your artistic vision to the Burn. Apply for your art grant before we give it all to that guy who wants to build a fort out of beer bottles. Applications close on 6...