Civic Responsibility and Radical Self-Expression

Civic Responsibility and Radical Self-Expression

The Ten Guiding Principles that started at Burning Man have been adopted by every regional Burn, including Kiwiburn. While some of these principles may be more exciting than others, they are all important, and they also function in balance with each other. In...
Kiwiburn 2021 Poster Winner!

Kiwiburn 2021 Poster Winner!

We were truly blessed with four entries for the poster competition this year, all from women. The ExCom was on voting duty this year and it was super close – the winner is Brandy Davis. Thanks to everyone who entered the competition, and to the ExCom!   Brandy...

Changes in ExCom – A Note from the Acting Chair

Brace yourselves, it’s a long one,  Lots of changes are afoot within Kiwiburn as we farewell four members of ExCom.   Carvy, Safety Facilitator, retired from ExCom in March after stepping into the breach last year, contributing significant time and expertise to...

A Penny for your Website Thoughts

Okay, we lied. There are no pennies here. But we would love your thoughts! Some students from Victoria University of Wellington are completing a Masters project on the User Experience of the Kiwiburn website, and would love your help with their assignment....
Meanwhile, Something Burned In Africa…

Meanwhile, Something Burned In Africa…

AfrikaBurn, like many international Burns, was a victim of Covid-19 this year… though like a digital Phoenix rising from the ashes, AfrikaBurners were not to be kept down: Enter HomeBurn, the virtual incarnation of AfrikaBurn 2020. The event was hosted online on the...
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