Celebrating International Kiwiburners
Now that New Zealand is in Level 1, and the cap on the number of people attending public gatherings has been lifted, it looks like Kiwiburn can go ahead in January more-or-less as normal. Except for one major difference: our borders will likely still be closed to most...
This conversation isn’t stopping anytime soon, and rightly so. The Guardian has a fascinating article this week where Black Burners talk about why there are so few of them, why those who make the journey do so, and what it’s like to be a Black Burner. Our cultures are...
May You Live In Interesting Times
Blessing or curse, the times we live in are nothing if not interesting! The conversation about race, inclusivity and diversity has been intense in the past days in all areas of our lives, and that includes at Kiwiburn. Our Facebook page has been a place for vibrant...