Build It And They Will Come!

Build It And They Will Come!

Kiwiburn needs you! Effigy and Temple Structural Assessment Kiwiburn is on the hunt for a skilled human to help us up our game when it comes to assessing the safety of our large temporary structures on site. Kiwiburn is after someone with an eye for structural...
Who wants to get hitched at Kiwiburn 2020?

Who wants to get hitched at Kiwiburn 2020?

Are any of you lovebirds considering getting married on the Paddock next year? There will be a registered celebrant for marriages and civil unions on site who would be very happy to help you arrange a matrimonial ceremony as her gift. Part of the process would need to...

Temple of Spirals… in pictures and twisted words

We spiral, ‘tis the shape of our nature. We come from these twists and turns, gnashing at our tethers and clawing at our kennels, to seek our primal origin which outshines even these great fires. As we begin to spiral out of control the Temple is our tether for the...

A delightful dusting, a delicate dispatch

Here are some things we have gathered that you should now about. There will be a quiz about this next week, with some *sick* prizes, so read up! Pufferfish Fundraiser! Last week we wrote a thing about a Pufferfish fundraiser but failed miserably at telling you that it...

Tankwa Town found a new home – yay!

News from the southern tip of Africa! AKA South Africa! Or more specifically – AfrikaBurn! You might know this already but now you will know again. Monique, their Regional Contact, shared the wonderful news that they have found a new home after searching far and...
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