Kapow! Survey results are in

You answered, we listened The Electric Fencepost Super Duper User Survey 3000 was created to make sure YOUR newsletter delivers what YOU want, and we are very happy with the feedback. We’re pleased to present the results from the nine questions we asked.  A HUGE thank...

Burning Man Seeks a Sustainable Future

Burning Man has released a new initiative to address climate change on a year-round basis amongst the Burning Man community, which centre on three new concepts to be realised of the next 10 years: No Matter Out of Place. Handle waste ecologically. Be...

Community news from Burners Without Borders

All hail community initiatives! Check out the Community Conversations Series web series brought you by Burners Without Borders (BWB). They have just released their third video, where they feature the leads of BWB-North Texas speaking on How to build a local Civic...

Kids at Burning Man

Ever wondered about children and what their place within the Burner culture is? Check out this great short documentary on kids at Burning Man. It highlights what Black Rock City means to the younger attendees, how they deal with that they observe and how it forms part...
Kiwiburn Facebook Page hits 10,000 Likes

Kiwiburn Facebook Page hits 10,000 Likes

Extra, Extra! We’ve hit 10,000 likes! Kiwiburn’s Facebook page has proven rather popular and is being followed by heaps of cool folk out there. Yep, that’s you! Not too shabby for wee little regional burning event at the bottom of the globe we say....
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