Calling Members of Kiwiburn!

Did you buy a ticket and attend the 2018 Kiwiburn Event? If you did, you’ve been a Member of Kiwiburn Incorporated since then! Membership entitles you to attend the Kiwiburn Annual General meeting (AGM), giving YOU a voice in the happenings of Kiwiburn Incorporated....

Volunteer Stories: Rangering, Part II

A couple of weeks ago we ran the first of a behind-the-scenes series at what some of our volunteers actually get up to. As part of this, Rangering – My Gift, Part II is now available to read on the KB-log webpage. Find out more from Pete Lumos about what it...

More Volunteers Needed!

In case we’re being too subtle, Kiwiburn really needs more Volunteers! Do you have a skill? In, like, anything whatsoever? Of course you do, so why not put it to good use? With a plethora of positions available at the moment, from lead roles to new roles, there...

Holy newsletter Batman! What is the EFP?

Kia ora koutou, This is a friendly reminder that you are probably reading the Electric Fencepost. Here are some (potentially) little known facts about your favourite weekly read, at least one is a lie: Electric Fencepost can shortened to the acronym ‘EFP’,...

Burners Without Borders want to give YOU money

Burners Without Borders (BWB) has announced a grant opportunity specifically for Australia and New Zealand! (HINT: that means us). They really want to fund your creative and collaborative community-based social impact project (say that ten times fast). With $1,500 USD...
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