Have you ever looked up at the Effigy, enchanted, dazzled, and amazed, filled with dreams of being part of the team that built this incredible Art piece and sharing it with fellow Burners before engulfing it in a mighty inferno? This might just be your year. Check...
The Effigy is in the works, and Jo Artemis Fox, who made the beautiful Phoenix sculpture for KB2021, is in charge this time. Meet Jo. She’s amazing: Tell us a little about yourself: I’ve been to 7 Kiwiburns and have been involved every year in various...
Do you have a great idea for Effigy or Temple for 2022? These amazing pieces over the years have surprised, stunned, and enchanted those that have attended Kiwiburn, and this is your chance to turn your thoughts into reality for us all to enjoy. The theme this year is...
Check out this amazing and well edited video of this year’s Effigy burn at Kiwiburn 2021! You can find this on our very own YouTube channel. We’d love more content like this, so let us know if you have any appropriate clips we can upload and share far and wide with...
Picture of the actual Copernicus,. For reference only. ExCom has decided, for some utterly bizarre, ineffable reason, that this year, Copernicus is to be the person entrusted with the construction of the Effigy for Kiwiburn 2021. Like many people, Copernicus is...