Since the EFP has an early presence on the Paddock this year, we can bring you the most up to date info on what our beloved Paddock looks like! We can tell you that the road down to the Paddock is dry and dusty, very dusty! So drive sloooowly to avoid showering...
TLDR: don’t be an egg, follow instructions or you may find yourself with a voided ticket. To ensure our ongoing ability to play on a Paddock in Hunterville and maintain goodwill with locals, Council, and NZTA, adherence to our Traffic Management Plan (TMP) is...
Great news! Word on the street Paddock is that some wonderful bees stepped up to answer our call! In case you missed it, last week we put out the call for people to join the upcoming working bee. Well we were delighted to hear from the Infrastructure team that many of...
Home is calling, and the Paddock awaits your arrival. But why not stop for some last minute essentials before you arrive? The Rangitikei region hosts us every year, so this is a great way to say thank you. Shopping in the region also saves you lots of leg-room on the...
As we all begin the final preparations for our arrival back to the Paddock, we highly suggest you take heed of these reminders so you can get Home swiftly, smoothly and safely! Check your ticket has your legal first name and surname AND date of birth on it. This will...