Kiwiburn 2020 dates

The dates for the next Kiwiburn have been finalised, drumroll please… …Kiwiburn will be held Wednesday 22 – Monday 27 January 2020! Ta da! Now you can plan, prepare, build, practice your yodeling (well, why not) and generally get excited! Keep an eye out...

What will be the Art Theme for 2020?

We missed being on the Paddock this year and are now looking to the future. What will the Kiwiburn 2020 theme be? The 2019 theme was to be Fractalicious, and we are going to automatically add it to the list for 2020. You have probably had some divine inspiration over...

Renew your Kiwiburn membership

Did you buy a ticket and attend last year’s 2018 Kiwiburn Event? If you did, you’ve been a Member of Kiwiburn Incorporated since then! Why should you become a Member? Membership entitles you to attend the Kiwiburn Annual General meeting (AGM), giving YOU a voice...
Praise be Yonderman

Praise be Yonderman

Yonderman with the first Kiwiburn Effigy in January 2004.   Mark Stirling, aka Yonderman, resigned from his role as one of New Zealand’s Regional Contacts (RC) this week. Mark founded Kiwiburn in 2003 after discovering Burning Man by accident in 1994, and has...

Be cool, be hip, be Kiwiburn’s new Arts Facilitator

So you want to be more involved with the Kiwiburn community AND you want to help make the Magic Happen? By Jove, have we got the role for you.  Kiwiburn is looking for a stellar new Arts Facilitator. It involves facilitating the pretty and getting sh*t done;...
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