Kiwiburn’s social media pages have been fairly undramatic and troll-free for all the years they have existed. Thanks for being such a polite community! Occasionally it is good to remind everyone there are guidelines for belonging to a Group, so always take the...
The festival season is aaallllmost over, and although many of us are still riding the sunny waves of summer there can be dark clouds looming. Post Festival Blues is a thing! (During Festival Blues is a thing too, for that matter). Whether you had a great time, an...
Remember that time we told you Kiwiburn wasn’t happening and you pulled together like a humorously well-oiled machine and created something anyway? What if we told you that eggs-cellent feeling of achievement and “yea we showed ya, baquuuuerk”...
Photo by Shelley Watson A fantastical amazing journey has almost come to an end for The Giant Weta and the Auckland Burners team who created her! She was welcomed to her new home in the Waiararapa, in the most lush and beautiful site imaginable at Pūkaha,...
If you were at Kiwiburn, Ignition or numerous other festivals around New Zealand the last couple of summers you’ve probably at some point seen or maybe utilised DeepSpace Festival Care, a group of volunteers who provide a non judgemental, confidential safe space...