Kia ora. It’s that time again! Captain here, with another edition of my ‘How to start a Theme Camp’ blog series! Today’s blog is all about health and safety. So have a read, and start thinking about how to keep everything safe in your shiny new...
Just as the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell, Theme Camps are the heart and soul of Kiwiburn. But Kiwiburn doesn’t order these Theme Camps online, they’re brought to us by the weird and wonderful Burners (that’s you people). Last year, we had almost a...
The long-awaited Theme Camp Registration form is HERE! Head to the Kiwiburn Portal to register your Theme Camps for Kiwiburn 2024! If you’re applying for Theme Camp reserve tickets, you’ve got until Sunday 24 September. If you DON’T need any reserve...
Kia ora! It’s that time again! Captain’s back with another edition of my ‘How to start a Theme Camp’ blog series! Today’s blog is all about choosing events for your camp. So have a read, and start planning your camp for KB24. You can read...
Captain here, welcome back to another edition of my blog series! Today’s blog is all about organising camp members. Theme Camps don’t work without them! So have a read, and start planning your camp for KB24. You can read the blog...