So you want to be more involved with the Kiwiburn community AND you want to help make the Magic Happen? By Jove, have we got the role for you. Kiwiburn is looking for a stellar new Arts Facilitator. It involves facilitating the pretty and getting sh*t done;...
The Burning Man network is always growing every year world-wide. Do you plan your travels around Regional events? You can alway find out what is on here.
Burning Wish is a community of survivors, caregivers and volunteers making Burning Man accessible to cancer patients and their families. Learn more here about how you can be involved.
Remember that time we told you Kiwiburn wasn’t happening and you pulled together like a humorously well-oiled machine and created something anyway? What if we told you that eggs-cellent feeling of achievement and “yea we showed ya, baquuuuerk”...