Covid Policy 2023

Jan 9, 2023

As much as we had hoped to be rid of this pesky critter by now, alas, Covid-19 in various sneaky variants still looms among us. Our most excellent Safety Facilitator has sweated and slavered over this years’ COVID policy to walk that impossible line between being sensible and realistic while also keeping you all safe and healthy. It has also been sent to Mid-Central Te Whatau Ora for review, so if there are any major changes, we will let you know. You can check out the policy here.

General guidelines still prevail:

  • Don’t come to site if you’re unwell or displaying symptoms such as coughing, sore throat or fever.
  • All Early Entries need to provide a negative RAT test no older than 24 hours prior to arriving.
  • Practise good hygiene by washing your hands or using hand sanitizer (which will be provided all over site), cover your face when coughing or sneezing, avoid sharing vessels, and apply common sense. 

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