Goodbye Kiwiburn 2021, Hello Kiwiburn 2021 Census

Mar 1, 2021

As we do every year, we again are keen to hear from all of you lovely people who attended Kiwiburn this year to learn more about who you are, where you come from and what, if anything, you or Kiwiburn can do better. 

Thought the music was all a bit too doof doof and would like to hear the dulcet tones of a string quartet instead? Thought volunteering would be more attractive to you if participants got some smashed avocado on toast? Think that what Kiwiburn REALLY REALLY needs are composting toilets? Tell us about it, either in a way that explains how you plan to solve the problem, or via suggestions on how Kiwiburn can address things. 

This type of census is really important for us to understand who attends, how the community is changing, what matters to people, who volunteers etc, so give us your 2 cents now. 

We are particularly looking for responses from seasoned burners, so if you have been to Kiwiburn a few times, let us know how you think we did this year!

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