While many Kiwiburn teams were taking a well-deserved break, the Kiwiburn Arts Committee (KAC) kept busy behind the scenes, making sure the creative magic of the festival continued to grow. Here’s a little recap of what we’ve been up to so far this year! Trash...
Latest News
Are you looking for the latest gossip, straight off the Kiwiburn press? Well look no further! Keep reading for the latest info, or use the archive and search below to find the relevant info.
You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).
And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team.
Shiny New Ticketing System!
After many years using Quicket as our ticketing software, Kiwiburn is finally ready to launch our very own internal ticketing system. This has been an enormous effort by our talented IT and ticketing teams over the last 12 months, and we're really excited to announce...
You’ll never guess what we need!
At the risk of sounding like a very broken record, Kiwiburn needs…drum roll please…volunteers! As our arrival onto the Paddock creeps closer, on-site roles are beginning to fill but we still need more hands on deck. Yes, we’re very demanding, we know. In case...
Announcement: The Communications Team is no more
Once a year, at a secret location, a covert meeting of elite individuals takes place. Our Electric Fencepost team (hey wait, that's us!) were in attendance and can now share details of this shady secretive meeting. On 28 September, the Communications Team journeyed...
LARGE Art Logistics Grant Open
Got a big art project in the works for Kiwiburn but worried about hauling it to the Paddock? Well, worry no more! The new Art Logistics Grants are here to help cover the hefty costs of transporting your artistic masterpiece to and from Hunterville. Whether it’s ferry...
Unofficially Really Honestly Super True Announcement
The moment we've all been subconsciously waiting for: Kiwiburn has finally teamed up with Double Brown for Double-Burn: an ember of Kiwiburn 2025. Think of it like a heaps better Burn within a kind-of-ok Burn, because why have trash when you can have treasure? ...
Afterburn Report and Links for AGM on 30 September
Quaaack quack quuaack. Quack quaaaaccccck quack quuuuack. Quack. For those of you who don’t speak duck, that roughly translates to ‘We’ve gathered all the ducks. They’re in a row (for now)’ and we have some links for you! AGM: Monday 30 September, 7:30pm Afterburn...
Art Registration Deadlines
How stink would it be if you worked your ass off creating a masterpiece for KB25 but forgot to register your Art in time? Don’t be that person. If you’d like to request reserve tickets, you must register your Art by 15 October 2024 AND email artsupport@kiwiburn.com ...
Have you done them yet?
If you’re; A) reading this and B) wanting to come to Kiwiburn in 2025 then there’s three things you must do, right now! 1. Update your Burner Profile 2. Fill in the Community survey 3. Do your best impression of a Magnificent Riflebird’s mating dance Ok maybe the...
New AGM Date – 30 September
Aaahh, the joys of running an event with volunteeers. While we all try our hardest, sometimes we miss the mark just a little bit. Getting ducks in a row for the AGM is one of those and at present all ducks are still wildly running around in the yard, some might not...