Latest News

Are you looking for the latest gossip, straight off the Kiwiburn press? Well look no further! Keep reading for the latest info, or use the archive and search below to find the relevant info.

You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).

And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team. 

Parking onsite at the 2018 event

Parking with cars will be at your own discretion. Participants should drop gear off at their camp, then park in the designated parking area (if practical), in order to maximise the camping areas of the main paddocks for everyone. This also applies to Theme Camps....

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Tickets released into STEP!

Tickets released into STEP!

STEP UP! Kiwiburn has released 150 tickets into STEP overnight. They are surplus Direct Distribution Tickets (DDT) allocated for Crew and Theme Camps. Keep a close eye on your email, including SPAM folders, as you only have 48 hours to purchase the tickets. Did you...

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Live music at Kiwiburn 2018

There's a facebook group for musicians, engineers and volunteers interested in getting live instruments going at Kiwiburn 2018. Check it out here:

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Drink-spiking at festivals is becoming more common so your best defense is to be aware. Observe these guidelines to help keep you and your friends safe: Keep your drink on you at all times Be wary of accepting drinks from others If you notice a strange taste in your...

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What’s happening on the Paddock in January?

What’s happening on the Paddock in January?

Theme Camps and Art Installations already registered are on the Kiwiburn website, so have a browse and start getting excited! Registered Theme Camps Registered Art NB Art and Theme Camp registrations close on 23 December. Helping Hand by Nico. Photo by...

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Paddock Art Series #1

Paddock Art Series #1

Photo by Rob Tangent. It’s that time of year when everyone is hard at work planning, designing, creating and constructing fantastic creations to bring to Kiwiburn! On the Paddock we get to enjoy the final products of all this work, though what goes into making it...

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Calling all Sound and Theme Camp leads!

Calling all Sound and Theme Camp leads!

Photo of Dancealot by Peter Jennings   Kiwiburn is in the process of creating a Sound Policy to govern the use of sound systems on the Paddock and we need you to be involved! How? We will run a series of three chaired video conference meetings to discuss the use...

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Conduct Committee being formed

The Conduct Committee is being set up to handle incidents within our community. Kiwiburn is seeking expressions of interest for the new roles – a Team Lead and Committee members. Is this something you’d see yourself doing? Or have someone in mind you think these roles...

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The Electric Fencepost readership survey

The Electric Fencepost readership survey

Kiwiburn is keen to understand more about how you view and read The Electric Fencepost (EFP). On average, about 20% of people signed up read the EFP. It takes a lot of effort from our volunteers to put it together for the community, and while we'd love more of you to...

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STEP into (ticketing) action!

STEP into (ticketing) action!

Wow! Tickets to Kiwiburn 2018 only took 40 hours to sell out! If you missed out on a ticket, you can now sign up for the Secure Ticket Exchange Program (STEP) to buy or sell tickets. STEP opens at midday on Thursday 12 October, 2017. If you want to BUY tickets you’ll...

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