Wow! The Robots sure had fun on the Paddock. We want to get to know you better and learn more about your experiences at Kiwiburn. Please take just a few minutes today to fill it out the ONLINE CENSUS. And share the link with your campmates too – your feedback helps...
Latest News
Are you looking for the latest gossip, straight off the Kiwiburn press? Well look no further! Keep reading for the latest info, or use the archive and search below to find the relevant info.
You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).
And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team.
‘Kiwiburn 2017: The Robots Are Coming’ in the media
A collection of Kiwiburn stories in the media in 2017. New Zealand Herald Local Focus movie of Kiwiburn. Watch here. Wanganui Chronicle article on The Giant Weta at Kiwiburn. Read here. Wanganui Chronicle feature article on Kiwiburn....
Electric Fencepost: bringing you the latest information and updates
Ready, Steady, Go! Our newsletter is packed with the latest updates and important information you need to know – please read it. Find out about Forest and river access, parking, camping, art, weather, hand hints and more! Read it here.
What will you be doing on the Paddock?
You can now download the Event Guide here – there are so many amazing events happening this year. There's also a Site Map in the Guide so you can find your favourite Theme Camps and discover the Art Installations around the Paddock! You'll receive a printed copy at...
Be prepared for all weather!
The predicted weather bomb hit the North Island last night bringing strong winds, including at the Kiwiburn site. Are you prepared for how your shade and camp structures will handle the wind? High winds on site today have brought down two trees in the Forest and...
Help fund some art on the Paddock!
The Giant Weta on the Paddock! It’s not just robots invading the Paddock – there’s giant insects too! Or there will be if enough money gets raised this week for The Giant Weta team. She arrived back in New Zealand in the nick of time and needs YOUR HELP to fund the...
No camping in the Forest in 2017
The long awaited and very crucial decision regarding Forest camping has just been made. Extensive work in the Forest continues to be done, though with the extremely strong winds on site the past few weeks (and likely to continue) it has been increasingly hard to...
The Artery needs you
The ARTery is a space at Kiwiburn dedicated to spreading the word about the amazing Art Grants on offer and ensuring people have a creative space on the Paddock – it needs your help! Do you have any spare art supplies lying around? Paint, pens, paper or anything else...
Camping at Kiwiburn
You’ve arrived! Take care driving down the hill from Gate to the Paddock – the road is loose gravel, steep in parts with sharp bends – so take it slowly on your way to Greeters and put your hazard lights on. After you have been greeted, drive...
Arriving at Kiwiburn!
We know you're eager to get to the Paddock! Only volunteers, artists and Theme Camp representatives with approved early entry will be allowed onsite before Gate opens on 25 January 2017 – no exceptions. We will be enforcing a strict early...