Latest News

Are you looking for the latest gossip, straight off the Kiwiburn press? Well look no further! Keep reading for the latest info, or use the archive and search below to find the relevant info.

You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).

And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team. 

Free Dopamine Hits!

Free Dopamine Hits!

We’re going to let you all in on a not-so-well kept secret… Kiwiburn is run entirely by volunteers! Without our vollies, both year-round and on-site, there would not be a Burn. Volunteering means you’re willing to give your time, energy, and sometimes even hard earned...

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Help us unlock more tickets for Kiwiburn 2024!

Help us unlock more tickets for Kiwiburn 2024!

Hey you. Yes, you with the face, are you a Kiwiburn volunteer? If yes, don’t read on. You’re already a legend. If you’re not a volunteer, why the HECK not? We know there are those of you out there still clamoring for tickets (we read the FB page too), and there are...

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Centre Camp needs wonderful humans

Centre Camp needs wonderful humans

If you’ve got some spare time and a willingness to help Kiwiburn be the best little Burn it can be, then we have a role or 3 that may just suit you. Centre camp has some roles available that could be your vibe! Firstly, we’re looking for awesome individuals to fill...

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Seeking amazing human for the On-Site Data Entry role

Seeking amazing human for the On-Site Data Entry role

Wanna peek behind the Kiwiburn curtain without swinging a hammer? We've got the ultimate backstage pass—On-site Data Entry/Process Mapper! Picture this: you're capturing the secret dance of workflows for each Onsite Team and turning them into Asana projects. No hard...

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Conduct Committee Superstars needed!

Conduct Committee Superstars needed!

Are you a fan of helping others? Do you want to make sure people feel heard? Then this role could be for you! The Conduct Committee is comprised of Volunteers that participate year ‘round to resolve issues amongst the Kiwiburn Community. We aim to take a restorative...

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We want your art from the past!

We want your art from the past!

We are celebrating the 20th Kiwiburn, can you believe it? Given it’s such a big occasion, we are hoping to get a retrospective/historical art tour happening. We want to encourage the community to bring art from the past and register it in the portal. Then ARTery can...

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Important Dates for Kiwiburn 2024

Important Dates for Kiwiburn 2024

Check out this week's update of important dates for Kiwiburn 2024. December 2023 18th - Round 1 decisions for Large Art Logistics grant (see more details below!) 20th - Last date to register for Art that requires placement by Town Planning (if it’s really large or...

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Changes To Reserve Tickets For Theme Camps

Changes To Reserve Tickets For Theme Camps

Creating and running a Theme Camp is a big job. It can take many, many hours to put it all together. We know how much planning and mahi goes into it, and we are always blown away by what you bring to the Paddock. It’s safe to say that Theme Camps are the heart and...

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Temple and Effigy volunteers needed!

Temple and Effigy volunteers needed!

Without an effigy and temple, it isn’t so much a ‘KiwiBURN’ as it is a ‘Kiwi-bunch-of-bogans-in-a-paddock’ and that just doesn’t have the same ring to it. The effigy and temple crews need a few more willing minions to join the construction crews and help construct...

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Last minute, Last chance, Large art Logistics funding support!

Last minute, Last chance, Large art Logistics funding support!

A brand new art grant has appeared, and it may be just what you’re looking for! Given we had some changes in the art that has been funded, KAC has a little spare Dosh to help fund this new grant. So what’s it for? It’s to help you transport large art works to the...

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