Kiwiburn’s resident blogger Navigator is back this week with some reflections on how the Burn ruined her life - or in other words, how the experience and principle of Burning destroyed the old Navigator and rebuilt her anew. Read on here. Photo: Mike Nelson/Getty...
Latest News
Are you looking for the latest gossip, straight off the Kiwiburn press? Well look no further! Keep reading for the latest info, or use the archive and search below to find the relevant info.
You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).
And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team.
How did we like them odds? A ticket update.
Ticket Day 2021 has come and gone. Some celebrated, many wept, most went, what just happened? Here are some stats: 2300 total participants with 1150 tickets available via the lottery. The other 1150 are reserved for crew, artists and Theme Camps. 3900 registered...
A Massive thank you to Geveta, outgoing ExCom Secretary
As you could read in last week’s EFP, Kiwiburn Org has a new secretary. It would however be fair to say that the shoes that need to be filled are mighty indeed, for the amazing Geveta has been a stalwart in this role and for Kiwiburn for many years. She attended her...
Onsite Crew Support Angel Needed
We are looking to fill many positions (just look!) but a very important one is the Onsite Crew Support role. This is the person who looks after the onsite crew working to set up Kiwiburn on the Paddock.The job involves everything from helping create inclusive menus...
Safety and Sustainability Meetings – Update for Theme Camps
A quick message for Theme Camps: the Green Kiwi Sustainability meeting has been pushed back by one week, to 19 October. All are welcome - for those keen to get involved, follow this link. Specifically for Theme Camp Leads: there is also a meeting on 14 October at 7pm...
Kiwiburn: Our Culture Explored
Curious how Kiwiburn creates a sense of belonging and community to counteract the fragmentation of global society? Our lovely resident researcher, Jax Watt, has explored the culture and experience of Kiwiburners and written up their findings in an academic paper, now...
Introducing: the Green Kiwi Initiative!
What’s happening? For Kiwiburn 2022, we have a very exciting collaboration in the pipelines! Burning Man Org reached out to Kiwiburn to be the global Prototype (even ahead of the BM event itself) for their sustainability project: The Green Theme Camp Community...
Take a Leading Role in the Community Department
Kiwiburn’s new Community Department needs leaders for three of its teams: Accessibility, Consent, and Rainbow. The Accessibility Lead will head our efforts to break down accessibility barriers. This means liaising and listening to the community to help overcome the...
Meet our new ExCom Secretary!
As we all know, the ExCom Secretary wields secret and arcane power and makes the world go round (some say literally). And a new person is now stepping into those shoes: Meet Briar, our new Make Things Happen Smoothly person: Briar’s first experience of Kiwiburn was as...
Centre Camp – Now Under New Management!
Join us in welcoming our new Centre Camp co-leads, Bel and Dave, to the fray! Centre Camp, aka Town Hall, is set to be a centrepiece for KB22 – expect biiiiig things! There will be a bombdiggity tent to host your events and art, as well as all the gear you’ll need to...