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Are you looking for the latest gossip, straight off the Kiwiburn press? Well look no further! Keep reading for the latest info, or use the archive and search below to find the relevant info.

You can also check our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, which contain official information from the organisation and discussions with the community respectively (though of course all official information will be released here and in our Weekly Digest too).

And if you have some news you’d like to share with the community, just contact the News Team. 

In-Depth look at The 10 Guiding Principles, Part II

In-Depth look at The 10 Guiding Principles, Part II

Burning Man and associated Regional Events base themselves on some fundamental guidelines, or the 10 Principles. In this series over the next 10 weeks we will focus on each Principle in detail. This week features Principle 2: Gifting A Burn event does not have...

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Behind the Scenes: Meet Carvy – Safety Facilitator

Behind the Scenes: Meet Carvy – Safety Facilitator

Another installation of our Behind-The-Scenes series to introduce some of the crafty volunteers who make Kiwiburn happen. Meet Carvy, who recently joined ExCom to help facilitate Safety at Kiwiburn Having been to three Burns (two times to Kiwiburn and once to...

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Join the Kiwiburn Sustainability team

Kiwiburn is looking to create a team of like-minded individuals keen to make the event as sustainable and as kind to our surroundings and nature as possible. So how environmentally woke are you?  The team will: encompass measuring and offsetting our carbon footprint...

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Theme Camp registrations deadline looms

Just another wee nudge to make y'all aware that the deadline for submitting Theme Camp registrations is 30 November. You can still show up with your Theme Camp, but you won't get some of the privileges, such as possible allocation of extra tickets or input on where...

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In-depth look at The 10 Guiding Principles

In-depth look at The 10 Guiding Principles

Burning Man and associated Regional Events base themselves on some fundamental guidelines, or the 10 Principles. In this series over the next 10 weeks we will focus on each Principle in detail. This week features Principle 1: Radical Inclusion This idea centers on the...

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Well, Hello To Two New ExCom Members

You think we just like hearing ourselves talk about needing people, don't you! Well, every now and then we strike gold with someone actually heeding our call to volunteer. Here they are: Carvy is our brand spankin' new Safety Facilitator. He is coming on board with...

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Have your say…

It's a well known fact that one cannot please everyone all the time, and when future Kiwiburns should take place is one of those topics for discussion. We're thinking ahead to 2021 and beyond! Check out this poll on Facebook asking for your opinion on preferred dates...

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Build It And They Will Come!

Build It And They Will Come!

Kiwiburn needs you! Effigy and Temple Structural Assessment Kiwiburn is on the hunt for a skilled human to help us up our game when it comes to assessing the safety of our large temporary structures on site. Kiwiburn is after someone with an eye for structural...

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Last few weeks to register Theme Camps

Last few weeks to register Theme Camps

Photo my Kasai Photography Calling all Theme Camp organisers! Registrations for Theme Camps close on 30 November, so get organised, gather your fellow Themecampians and ensure register your space to be official. You can still bring your Theme Camp to Kiwiburn even if...

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Remember, remember… that fireworks can be dangerous

It's that time of the year when the British (and affiliates) traditionally celebrate a failed coup by a chap called Guy Fawkes (and affiliates) to overthrow their government way back in 1605. These days of course this involves fireworks being shot into the night sky...

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