Theme Camp Hui Dates

Jun 24, 2024

The marvellous Theme Camp Team has organised a few dates for upcoming hui’s, so get your calendars out and lock ‘em in (links and times to come).

10 July: Ticket Allocation Process & Theme Camp Registration Forms
In this session, you’ll learn how to register your TC, how TC tickets are allocated based on the registration form, and why it matters what you put in your registration

31 July: Theme Camp Networking
This hui will have experienced and new TC leaders sharing their wisdom and ideas. If you’re a new camp needing advice, an existing camp looking for an outside perspective, or just part of a camp and want to learn a bunch of TC in’s and out’s, this hui is for you.

14 August: Accessibility (6:30-7:30pm)
Accessibility isn’t always obvious. Even if you think that your Paddock offering doesn’t have any accessibility issues, you just might. Join this hui and learn how to make your camp more accessible for everyone in our community.

14 August: Sustainability (7:30-8:30pm)
Think your camp is the greenest of all greenies? Concerned that maybe you’re not? Join this hui to chat about all things sustainability and share ideas on how we can make Kiwiburn even more sustainable.

Future topics: will include Consent, Cultural Safety, and Health & Safety, so keep an eye out for the dates for these.

Image credit: Tim Warren

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