If you haven’t realised by now, Kiwiburn is run entirely by volunteers. Every role needs a wonderful human volunteer to fill it. Lately we had more open roles than we did wonderful humans stepping up to fill them.
We put out the call on the Book of Face and shared our plight, ‘We need you!’, we said, and we are so happy that our call was answered. A number of wonderful, beautiful, and incredibly talented humans threw their hat in the ring and said ‘I am ready, willing and able to volunteer’. So that’s just what they did.
This is just a HUGE thank you to those of you who have answered the call and volunteered recently. Kiwiburn simply cannot run without people like you. Consider this whole article a ‘new volunteer appreciation post’. We truly appreciate you!
If however, you are yet to volunteer, there are still plenty of open roles which need YOU, yes YOU, you wonderful human reading this. Head on over here and find the role that’s right for you. You shall receive infinite brownie points from us for volunteering. If you need another reason, we suggest you read the ‘Changes’ article above. From 2026 onwards, it’s going to be a whole lot harder to get a ticket if you’re not volunteering!
Image Credit: Keegan Durant
We asked, and you answered!