Recent News
Kiwiburn needs Krew!
There are some crucial, vital… who are we kidding, every volunteer role is vital. The fact remains, there are some big birkenstocks to be filled. The Crew Facilitator, which is a massive job, needs a 2iC. Being a 2iC is great for those of you who want to help out but...
Get Amongst IT
Calling all IT enthusiasts, gurus, and fiends. We’ve got four, that’s right, four awesome-as roles that you can now get your keyboard slashing mitts on… if you reckon you’ve got what it takes, that is. Kiwiburn is on the hunt for: IT Team 2iC - support the IT Team...
Reminder: Fireside Chat is Tonight!
What are you doing tonight at 7pm? Yes tonight, being Tuesday the 27th. Probably nothing important right? Well luckily for you, we’ve got something interesting for you to do! Come along to our fireside chat tonight, you’ll get to chat with $exCom to discuss the...