The next Kiwiburn will be held inJanuary 2025<br />
Exact dates to be confirmed<br />
Stay tuned and we’ll see you on the Paddock!

Recent News

Theme Camp Registrations are CLOSED

Theme Camp Registrations are CLOSED

The bell hath tolled! The registrations came in thick and fast. Happy to see most (but sadly, not all) of the old favourites are registered again. Also very exciting to see the new camps that will be making their Kiwiburn debut. If you didn’t get registered in time,...

Reserve Tickets

Reserve Tickets

If you’re eligible for a Reserve Ticket (Artists, Theme Camps, and Volunteers), your task this week is to make sure your Burner Profile is active - create your Profile and fill in the Community Survey - on the Kiwiburn Portal.  Once your Profile is active, sit back,...

Meet Jax!

Meet Jax!

We are especially stoked to present our new Crew Facilitator, Jax! First of all – how did you get into Burns and what is your Burn history? I’d been introduced to the cult… I mean, culture… through Burner friends back in the UK and knew it was something that really...

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