The next Kiwiburn will be held inJanuary 2025
Exact dates to be confirmed
Stay tuned and we’ll see you on the Paddock!

Recent News

Green Kiwi Meetings

Green Kiwi Meetings

Have you ever wondered what Kiwiburn is doing about its environmental impact and how you can best navigate the carbon-intensive Default World in which we are enmeshed? Do you ever wink roguishly at yourself in the mirror and think ‘damn, I am a carbon-reducing...

EFP Summit Update

EFP Summit Update

On 15 October, the conch was blown, the beacons were lit and the bat signal shone into Auckland’s trademark low-hanging cloud cover. From all over the country, the monkeys who bring you the EFP, manage Facebook and the website (among other things) were unshackled from...

Ticket Allocation Update

Ticket Allocation Update

Theme Camp and Art reserve submissions have now closed. Ticket allocations are coming soon - we were hoping for yesterday but it’s looking like this week instead. Once you receive your link, you will have until 30 November to purchase. Onsite volunteers: Submissions...

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