The next Kiwiburn will be held inJanuary 2025<br />
Exact dates to be confirmed<br />
Stay tuned and we’ll see you on the Paddock!

Recent News

Kiwis on the Playa

Kiwis on the Playa

We put out the call for Kiwi Burners who made the trek to Black Rock City and that call was answered! Now we have a pretty sweet blog about their experiences to share with you. We hope it’ll get you as pumped for our own Paddock reunion as we are. Ch-ch-check it out!...

Regional Round Up

Regional Round Up

Fuego Austral: in 2016, Fuego Austral was the first official Burning Man regional event in Latin America. Next year, this Argentinian regional will take place in a field about 400km south of Buenos Aires, from 17-21 February 2023. General sale tickets kick off on 16...

Say hi to James!

Say hi to James!

We’re super stoked to introduce our sensational new Site Safety Facilitator, James! James has the super important job of ensuring that Kiwiburn operates a safe and compliant environment so we - the participants and volunteers - can be kept safe during our time on the...

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