The next Kiwiburn will be held inJanuary 2025<br />
Exact dates to be confirmed<br />
Stay tuned and we’ll see you on the Paddock!

Recent News

Ticket Lottery – Time is Running Out!

Ticket Lottery – Time is Running Out!

If you haven’t already created your Burner profile and activated it by completing our little community survey, we suggest you jump on that…like…now! Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today Registrations close on 15 September (that’s next Thursday, only 9...

Share Your Burn

Share Your Burn

Share Your Burn If were lucky enough to go to Burning Man this year and you’re radiating with that post-Burn glow, trying to get dust out of places you never knew dust could reach, we want to hear from you!  We thought it could be pretty cool to put together a blog...

Volunteer Call: Well-Being Facilitator

Volunteer Call: Well-Being Facilitator

Do you like having a good time? Hate having a bad time? Do you want to help other Burners have a good time too? Then consider applying for the role of Kiwiburn 2023 Well-Being Facilitator! Believe it or not, this well-oiled machine of eclectic madness you see before...

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