The next Kiwiburn will be held inJanuary 2025<br />
Exact dates to be confirmed<br />
Stay tuned and we’ll see you on the Paddock!

Recent News

We need you! To manage Crew. 

We need you! To manage Crew. 

In a case of the egg recruiting the chicken, we need a Crew Facilitator urgently! Kiwiburn is kicking into gear and exciting announcements are coming soon (like ticket sales!), so we need a wise and caring captain to take the helm of our volunteer ship ASAP. This...

Midburn: call for artists from around the world

Midburn: call for artists from around the world

For the first time, the Midburn Art department is officially inviting artists from across the globe to present their art alongside hundreds of local Israeli artists. Midburn will assist artists from outside of Israel as much as possible with help coordinating...

Welcome to Tracey, our new EFP writer!

Welcome to Tracey, our new EFP writer!

Weeding through seven million applications was hard, but worth it - we have an amazing new EFP writer, Tracey!  First of all – how did you get into Burns and what is your Burn history? I spent a year living in Canada back in 2015/16. One of my friends over there was...

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