Recent News
Guiding Principles: Radical Self-reliance and Participation
This week, as part of our Guiding Principles series, we’re diving into the 4th Principle: Radical Self-reliance, and the 9th Principle: Participation. Kiwiburn is unlike other events. There are no main stages, no paid artists, no market stalls, and there is...
Kiwiburn AGM
This year’s Annual General Meeting of Kiwiburn is being held at (TBC but likely) 8pm on Tuesday 20 December, 2022. Save the date! This will be a virtual meeting - watch our Facebook page for the link or check the next EFP (psst, that’s this thing you’re currently...
MPW Needs Crew!
The Ministry of Public Works; those tireless, diligent and extremely good-looking humans that build Kiwiburn each year are still a few people short. This is a call for anyone who wants to be a part of the build before the Burn. This is a SUPER important job so we...