The next Kiwiburn will be held inJanuary 2025<br />
Exact dates to be confirmed<br />
Stay tuned and we’ll see you on the Paddock!

Recent News

Welcome: New Services Facilitator Chloe!

Welcome: New Services Facilitator Chloe!

Chloe is taking over from Craig as our new Services Facilitator, but you may already know her from Gate! And here is more about Chloe: Tell us a little about yourself: My first Burn was 2018, despite having known about Kiwiburn since 2010, and I instantly fell in love...

Thank you to Outgoing Services Facilitator Craig

Thank you to Outgoing Services Facilitator Craig

As can be read here, we have a new Services Facilitator on ExCom, welcome Chloe!  And so it is a massive thank you to Craig, Odin Patterpaws, who leaves the Services department in ship shape, though he is not going far! Craig (while also looking after ticketing!) has...

Time Travel: The Blog

Time Travel: The Blog

With a theme like Time Travel, it is time to travel back and remember the Burns that were - when only 7 of us burnt an Effigy of a packing crate in a barrel while smoking river weeds, Gate was just a line in the sand, and everything was just BETTER, in them old days....

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