Recent News
Final Chance for Art Grants
“I’ll do it tomorrow…” Sound all too familiar? Well, you’re almost out of tomorrows! Procrastination is not your friend, my friend. Art grants applications close on 25 August (that’s in just two short days!) so, if you’re planning on applying for an Art grant, there’s...
Help Kiwiburn Green Motuihe Island!
Spring is (technically) here! This had the Kiwiburn Sustainability Initiative so excited, we had to get them to lie down for a bit. But they want your help! What better way to get hyped for a season of new life than to be a part of a native restoration project? Our...
Regional Roundup
Burning Seed - 2022 officially postponed Unfortunately, recent wet weather has made the site inaccessible by 2WD vehicles, and the forecast is not promising for the dry weather needed to make repairs in time. The Burning Seed Town Council have deliberated over this...