Recent News
Centre Camp needs a Leader!
Kiwiburn’s Centre Camp - that’s the big white marquee that hosts important town-hall type meetings during the Burn, as well as other speechy and arty events - needs someone to organise, co-ordinate, and oversee the team that runs it. The job is 2 to 4 hours per week...
Art Grants bend the Space Time Continuum!
There is something about this Burn, we can just feel it: We have just counted our Art Grant applications and they total an unbelievable 92! That’s 58 small, 31 large, and 3 innovation applications - we just could not believe our eyes as the applications rolled in...
Theme Camp Registrations are open
It’s that time of the year already - Theme Camp Registrations are open! Have you thought about what you want to gift to the Kiwiburn community? Do you throw an epic day party? Can you build a cosy reading corner? Do you have a burning passion, a creative talent or a...