Recent News
Missing Art Piece
Burner community, we need some help! A new artist brought along a magical piece to share with you all at Kiwiburn 2021. It is called Cybus Incaendo, and is a light box approximately 400mm by 400mm that emits hypnotic coloured lights from within. It stands on a post...
Behind the scenes: Meet Paul, your ExCom Arts Facilitator
Firstly, what does the Arts Facilitator role involve? Don't tell the rest of ExCom, but I think I have the best role! I am privileged to support teams looking after Artists, Art Grants, Theme Camps, Event Registrations, Burnable Art ... think Effigy & Temple ... I...
The Afterburn Report is out. For 2020.
One of the requirements that is necessary if you want to be a recognised Regional Burning Man event is an Afterburn Report. This is where every member who was in a leadership/managerial role contributes their take, including what their role entailed, what worked and...